Every successful person once had a messy start in their life or career, but despite shortcomings, they achieved their dreams while still looking their best.
We created a campaign for PERSIL detergent, encouraging Gen Z to dare to chase their dreams without fear of getting dirty.
Art Director: Hunter Bell
In a fast-paced world where everyone is chasing perfection, we want to spotlight the messy moments of chasing a dream, by making “dirt” as a badge of honor.
We’ll get TikTok users to embrace their messy moments by sharing unedited content of them doing what they do best. In return, we’ll honor their messy journey with a verified Persil verified tick on their profile.
> Persil will partner with TikTok and leverage the influence of TikTokers, who are notorious for sharing unedited or imperfect content.
> Leveraging TikTok algorithms, each user will be required to share 50 or more messy content on their profile to earn the coveted Verified Persil tick on TikTok as a badge of honor.
Leveraging celebs with humble beginnings like Harry Styles, Dua Lipa, and Lizzo, we will start a Twitter conversation, by encouraging people to tweet about the struggles of rolling in the dirt to pursue a dream, despite setbacks, using the hashtag #DareToGetDirty